We’ve taken a bunch of your feedback and put it to work. It should be a lot faster and easier to fill out a workorder.
Here are some of the changes we just did:
- No need to open an editing area to change the workorder status, employee, item, etc. Edit away and your changes are saved instantly.
- Added Save Parts check box.
- Added “Assign To All Lines” next to the employee selector at the top of the workorder. This assigns the employee to all lines on the workorder.
- Arrange the order of all workorder statuses, including the built in Open, Waiting, Estimate, Finished, and Done & Paid.
- You can assign custom colors to all workorder statuses.
- Plus some other tweaks we hope you like.
How did we do? Please let us know. We’ll keep making tweaks to workorders for a couple more releases before we move away to other areas for a while.