If you are still having issues printing from Chrome, you can consult our Google Chrome manual page for more advanced setup options.

Yes, you finally have a choice between browsers!

Mozilla Firefox hasn’t worked well for all of our customers, but we officially supported Firefox because it was one of the few good browsers that allowed you to change your Page Setup.

However, Firefox’s monopoly on being able to print reliable receipts and labels is coming to an end today. If you are a Windows 7 user or are a Mac user on Lion OSX 10.7 you can now use Google Chrome to print receipts and labels. Let’s get started with the instructions for both Windows and Mac:

Windows 7

1. You’ll want to create a new shortcut for Google Chrome on your desktop.
2. Right-click, select Properties.
3. On the Shortcut tab you will see the Target field. At the end of C:Users”Computer Name”AppDataLocalGoogleChromeApplicationchrome.exe append –disable-print-preview

4. Click OK

Note: If you launch an older shortcut of Google Chrome, say from your taskbar, this will not work. You want to launch Chrome from the shortcut you configured.


OSX 10.7 Lion

1. In Chrome, click File, then click Print.
2. Change your Paper Size to 72mm * 2000mm

3. You will want to change the same settings you would change in Firefox, you will start with changing Layout to Printer Features.

Note: The only difference between the Firefox setup and the Chrome setup on Macs is you do not have to go to File, then Page Setup; it’s all on the Print dialogue box.
All other functions and features work exactly the same in Google Chrome. From our testing we’ve noticed it is a much faster browser and even improves the MerchantOS user interface. We are happy to support this software so if you have any additional questions for us call our support line at 866-554-2453 ext. 0 or email us at [email protected] and we’d be glad to help.
