New Features

  • AirPrint Support on iPad: Lightspeed Retail iPad POS now supports printing via AirPrint. You can use AirPrint on your iPad to print Reports, return-to-vendor packing slips, Inventory and Customer search results and other related listings, as well as gift cards.  CLD-11365
  • Transfer Out/Transfer In quantities: If you have a multi-shop setup, you and your employees can now see the quantity of stock that’s outgoing and incoming for each store. This information allows you to quickly determine whether an item is incoming to a particular store, and thus, can be sold or reserved for a customer. You can see these quantities in the Shop Inventories table on the Inventory Items page (Inventory > Items > item), under Transfer Out/Transfer In. CLD-11608
  • Custom gateway names: You can assign a custom name to your payment provider’s gateway configuration. This is particularly useful in a multi-shop setup where each store can have a unique gateway identifier, which you can then use to associate a store with its gateway.

Bug Fixes

  • Merging customers on credit accounts: When you merge a customer with an existing customer on a credit account, the merged customer does not display in the Credit Accounts list. This issue is now fixed.  CLD-8709
  • Cost values on Totals report: If you adjust the cost of an inventory item that’s already been sold (under Reports > Transaction > transaction), the updated cost is not reflected in the Totals Report. This issue is now fixed. C LD-11423
  • Email subject line for Work/Purchase Orders: We fixed an issue where the email subject lines for Work Orders and Purchase Orders display nonsensical information. CLD-11538