Gear Rental Module by SnoBoxPro
SnoBoxPro was developed to eliminate standing in line – the most frustrating part of a gear rental experience. Their automated platform enables customers to rent gear & sign waivers from their phone, tablet or laptop days or weeks in advance. The Store can prepare the order ahead of time (including DINS calculations for ski bindings) so all the renter has to do is enter the store, scan a QR pickup code, grab their gear and go.
- Reduce time spent standing in line and reduce crowding in store / parking lot
- Rent gear days or weeks ahead of time. Arrive at the store, pick up your order and proceed to recreate. Additionally, an in-store/in-line kiosk running the Gear Rental App can process in-store rentals in real-time if a reservation was not made ahead of time.
- e-Sign all required waivers ahead of time.
- Greatly improve the guest experience and differentiate from the competition.
- Track inventory that has been rented out. Know who has what gear checked-out
- Reduce liability and improve service by assigning gear maintenance intervals and tracking maintenance activities where/when required
- Improve throughput – rent more in less time.
- Upsell on the improved guest experience.
- Category:
- Features / Tools, Rental
- Product:
- Retail