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Paris Cartier boosts sales revenue by ~20% with a modern POS solution

With its curated collections that blend timeless fashion with contemporary flair, Paris Cartier has been a staple in Quebec City for more than 35 years. Known for its warm atmosphere and personalized service, the boutique is a haven for women seeking unique, high-quality pieces that reflect their individual style.

Boutique storefront lit up at night

Business type:


Products used:

Lightspeed Retail
Lightspeed Payments
Lightspeed eCommerce


Quebec, CA

Cheerful yellow retail display with rack of hanging clothing in boutique store

Challenge: starting from scratch—and doing it all on her own

When Peggy Plante, owner of Paris Cartier, bought the business not much had changed since it first opened its doors in 1987. “Everything was done by hand—in writing,” says Peggy. “Every customer receipt was written by hand. Inventory was the same, nothing was [digitized].”

She recognized the opportunity to grow the business by bringing it into the 21st century—but she’d never even worked in retail before. She knew the learning curve was going to be steep.

“There’s a lot of things I didn’t know at the beginning,” she explains. “And there’s a lot of things I’m still learning, even now. But the biggest challenge is that I’m doing everything myself.” With so much to do, and only herself to do it, the right technology partner was essential.

Shoppers surrounding a retail display in a boutique store

Solution: an integrated tech solution with top-notch support

Choosing a point of sale system when you don’t know all the features you might need can be seriously challenging. But while she didn’t have a list of nice-to-haves, she knew her must-haves.

A cornerstone of Peggy’s growth plan was ecommerce, and she had no interest in spending hours—hours she didn’t have—manually reconciling two disconnected systems.

“I knew that if I wanted to have ecommerce, it was important that the [POS] and the ecom talk together,” says Peggy. “It came down to Lightspeed and [one other provider].”

Top-tier, free customer support was also non-negotiable. “Because I just arrived in this industry and I’m still learning.” As an independent boutique, cost was also a deciding factor. So when Lightspeed agreed to match the old payment processor’s per-transaction fee, Peggy was ready to take the leap.

How Lightspeed powers Partis Cartier

Data & reporting

Data and reports from Lightspeed give Peggy clear insights into her finances and simplify bookkeeping.

Lightspeed eCom

Using Lightspeed eCom, Peggy was able to quickly build a professional-quality online store in her preferred language.

Fast, reliable platform

The system is reliable and transactions are fast. With a single provider for both POS and payments, support is seamless.

24/7 free customer support

Access to 24/7 free support ensures that Peggy can get the help she needs, when she needs it.

Storefront signage that reads 'Paris Carter' and a small sandwich board advertising a "journée VIP"

Looking ahead to ambitious growth plans

Paris Cartier’s sales have grown by roughly 20% month-over-month since its digital transformation. And it’s not just because streamlining and simplifying processes have allowed Peggy to sell more to her regular clientele.

With the online store up and running, new customers are discovering the boutique online and coming into the store to shop.

“I get a lot of positive comments from customers about the online store, which I built myself,” says Peggy. “They are looking at the online store before they come in. They’re using it to pre-shop.”
Now that she’s more proficient with the technology, Peggy is already planning her next big move. “I’m not sure if I’ll open more Paris Cartier stores, or if I’ll buy another store with potential to grow,” she says. “All I know is that I want to have more than one store.”

Group shot of the 5-woman team at Paris Cartier boutique

“I’m very happy to work with Lightspeed. I already recommended it to the owner of a store next to me. I have a phone number so I can call customer support directly. And I prefer to call instead of making mistakes. I’m sure it helps to grow the business.”

Peggy Plante, Owner, Paris Cartier

Paris Cartier is increasing sales month-over-month with Lightspeed

What could you do with an integrated tech solution?