Owning a retail business means learning how to be scrappy, making the most of what you have and adapting your business to the changing...
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POS systems, software, hardware, etc.
Over the years, golf course operators have asked for our recommendation on the best calendar tool for managing events, employees, and...
When you think of a cash register, does a clunky machine come to mind? If it does, it might be time to take a look at what modern,...
In our continued dedication to giving our retailers what they need to future-proof their businesses, we’re happy to announce the...
A restaurant is just like running any other business (with the added perk of great food)—you have inventory to manage, employees...
Customer behavior has changed—and Lightspeed is dedicated to helping our merchants adapt. In addition to launching Mobile Tap to...
At Lightspeed, we take our merchants’ changing needs to heart. To help hospitality businesses add new revenue streams without needing...
As you reopen your business to the public, you need to be smart about how you balance your bottom line with the health and safety of...
Mobile order-ahead technology is becoming the norm at nationwide fast-casual restaurants and coffee chains like Domino’s, McDonald’s,...
Customer loyalty is the cornerstone of encouraging those all-important repeat visits online and in-store—it’s how merchants really...
Generating more traffic and sales for your online store is an ongoing process, no matter how long you’ve been in business. The truth...
We know running a golf course isn’t easy. When times get hectic you’ll be thanking yourself for having a solid POS system in place....
People love to help themselves. Proof in point: the explosion in popularity of self-service kiosks in the service industry. Major companies...
From software to data storage, a lot of today’s tools live in “the cloud”—but what exactly does that mean? While it can sound...
Golf management software has evolved from being a simple tool to enter tee times on a computer. Today’s modern systems eliminate...
It’s the heart and soul of your operation. Your tee sheet, POS, marketing tools, and business intelligence software is capable...
In an industry where profit margins are slim, running a restaurant can sometimes feel like a fight for survival. Your key to staying...
In the past decade, the use of cloud-based Customer Relationship Management systems have increased from 12% to 87%. Businesses that...
Whether or not you are looking to switch over this off season, it’s valuable to know what technology is available on the market....
The One-Stop-Shop For All Your Management Needs Golf courses are complex operations composed of many departments with unique needs....
Harness the power of the cloud revolution with best-of-breed integrations. The best modern software is built in the cloud. What makes...
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