Golf is an individual sport full of individual goals, benchmarks and successes. But when it comes to golf course marketing and revenue...
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Sales & Marketing
Sales tips, selling techniques, merchandising, advertising, marketing, etc.
A product description is more than just a few words about the products you sell in your online shop. A good product description informs...
Email personalization has become a necessary marketing tactic to get your customers fully engaged with your business. 92% of customers ...
When was the last time you logged onto a company’s website and weren’t impressed? On the other hand, think of the last time you...
In 2021, the average customer spend in restaurants was $75 on Super Bowl Sunday and $165 on Valentine’s Day. With these two events...
It’s the beginning of a new year, we’re in the midst of a COVID-19 resurgence, and you operate a coffee shop. With temperatures...
It’s no secret that golfers typically err above age 50. Golf course operators have struggled to market to millennial golfers effectively.The...
As a shopper, there’s nothing better than popping into your favorite store or logging onto its website and discovering that it’s...
Executing marketing ideas is an important part of running a successful retail business. After all, marketing exposes your store to...
Even though online shopping surged in popularity over the last two years because of the COVID-19 pandemic, brick-and-mortar sales still...
Cross-border ecommerce has taken off in the last few years. A recent survey found that 32% of online shoppers bought more from retailers...
Technomic’s “Bakery Café Consumer Trend Report” has some good news for those who own and operate a bakery-cafe. According to...
Chatbots and text message campaigns aren’t just for big box stores. Your business can still take advantage of the many forms of what’s...
With a bit of strategy and planning, an email newsletter can grow to become one of the most profitable forms of marketing for your...
Let’s be honest, selling dessert shouldn’t be hard. Simply glancing at a display of sweet treats is enough to get your mouth watering....
Many national coffee shops are lucky enough to benefit from regular, loyal customers. They enabled Dunkin’ Donuts to become one of...
While you don’t need a marketing background to run a successful retail business, knowing how to write a marketing plan can help you...
We’re coming up on the biggest retail event of the year: the holidays. While shoppers look for gifts (and deals), retailers vy for...
We’re coming up on the biggest retail event of the year: the holidays. While shoppers look for gifts (and deals), retailers vy for...
If you’ve been following social media news or know any tech enthusiasts, you’ve probably heard of TikTok. The social media app...
The winter holidays are one of the most crucial sales periods for retailers. Some of the biggest sales days of the year happen in the...
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